Yesterday, I asked where all the historians were on twitter. Thanks to the generosity of retweets, my message got around, and I received greetings from many – and I decided to compile a list here (including anything they posted about what they work on).
@jcmeloni Julie Meloni
@jaheppler Jason Heppler - History PhD student at the University of Nebraska-Linicoln
@jmcclurken Jeff McClurcken - My own fields are 19th C. US families, veterans, gender, mental institutions, & the digital humanities
@sfern Susan Fernsebner - historian of 19th-20th c. China, working on material culture, colonialism
@parezcoydigo Chad Black - colonial Latin Americanist, working on 18th c. Quito, Ecuador.
@history_geek Holly Tucker - early-modern history of medicine.
@glrichard Gregory Richard - legal/Southern U.S. hybrid history Ph.D. student
@lucyinglis Lucy Inglis - London from 1660 to 1836.
@twicklicious Jan Cornelius - Ancient Greece, specializations: Neolithic and Bronze, Cycladic and Mycenean mainly ... currently not more than a "hobby"
@marri Marri Lynn
@TheHistoryWoman Gaby Mahlberg
@Greeneland Julie Greene - US labor, politics, and empire, I tweet mostly on history matters and contemporary labor.
@Airminded Brett Holman - Historian of the British fear of aerial bombardment, early 20th century here.
@llmunro Lisa Munro - I'm a grad student: I study 19th c. cultural history of Guatemala
@maureenogle Mareen Ogle
@boston1775 J.L. Bell
@mercpol Nick P.
@kristenkim03 Kristen - a grad student in U.S. History.
@tanya_roth Tanya Roth - PhD candidate, US/women's history
I was already following a few historians, so here they are too:
@big_valley Susan Johnson-Roehr – architectural history
@larrycebula Larry Cebula – of Northwest History
@adevenney Andrew D. Devenney
@sepoy Manan Ahmed – of Chapati Mystery
@sharon_howard Sharon Howard – of Early Modern Notes
@publichistorian Suzanne Fischer
@hallnjean Norma Hall
@joguldi Jo Guldi
@TenuredRadical Claire Potter
@kmlawson K. M. Lawson – of Frog in a Well
@dancohen Dan Cohen
@worldhistory Russ Lewis
@digitalhumanist Dave Lester
@clioweb Jeremy Boggs
@sterflu Sterling Fluharty
Apologies if I have missed anyone out, if you want to add yourself or others please post a comment or message me on twitter @katrinagulliver
UPDATE - New additions:
@peregrinatrix Alexandra Guerson - phd candidate working on xn-jewish relations in late medieval spain
@TimHitchcock Tim Hitchcock - 18th century London, gender, sexuality, masculinity
@marcinwilkowski Marcin Wilkowski
@HouseHistorian Melanie Backe-Hansen
@quackwriter Caroline Rance - My interest is 18th & 19thC history of medicine, and I write historical novels.
@JimTurnerAZ Jim Turner - Arizona, New Spain, Reconquista, and Conquest of Mexico.
Further updates - 9/9
Still more! (plus the folks in the comments below)
@daintyballerina Early Modern drama & politics. Jacobean stage.
@conservadora Lara Kelland
@historine Anna Gesa
@WWIIToday A.T. Nelson
@foundhistory Tom Scheinfeldt
@historying Cameron Blevins
And some twittering institutions of interest to historians:
I'm (@jcmeloni) not actually a historian - I'm in literature - but I have a lot of historian friends. :)
Well, you were kind enough to join the quest and retweet :)
I'm at @Trepanatus -- currently adjuncting in the New York Area and will defend my dissertation on Medieval Spain next week. I tweet on a variety of subjects, but history definitely shows up.
I found your twitter account and blog through one of the people you follow on twitter here. Thanks for this list. I had been tweeting about everything through only one feed, but I decided to start a separate account just for my life in history, @clioandme. I do modern German history, and right now I'm an adjunct at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Hi Katrina. Thanks for compiling all these historians! I work on Gilded Age U.S. history and the history of communication. I'm on Twitter as @robotnik
Hi, I am @zeppelinpost - my name is Dieter Leder, I am postal-historian for zeppelin mail and trans atlantic airmail,
I'm @mercpol - my real name is Nick Poyntz, I'm just finishing off an MA in Early Modern History at Birkbeck. I blog at Research interests are focused on early modern Britain including print culture, the history of the book and popular politics.
Hi, I'm an economic historian on Twitter:
Cool list, anyway :)
I'm grumpy, but I'm an historian:
I'm a historian with a blog devoted to the use of historical fiction in the history classroom.
I'm an art historian who also does most other types of history. I am decidedly chatty on Twitter & occasionally engage in debates about UK heritage specifically, often with historians & archaeologists whom I know/have met offline too.
Great list, I tweeted a link to followers of @gylphi ( and there has been numerous RTs and a great show of interest.
By chance you posted @Rafairman [later corrected] and he has been surprised to see his name here. You corrected it to @Airminded Brett Holman
jfleming: I'm surprised too, as I've never heard of Rafairman! I haven't "corrected" (changed) any entries.
Brett Holman (@airminded) is on the list since he wrote to me and asked to be added. If anyone else wants to be on the list, they can comment here or write to me.
I'm in religious studies, but I specialize in American religious history. I blog over at America's Gods and my twitter is Fatedplace.
Thanks for this great list!
@willcooperstown -- I'm a public historian
@kevincmurphy -- US historian (ABD, PhD, Columbia), currently speechwriting on the Hill
Also blog at
@williamjturkel digital history ++
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